Water knot rope The Water Knot is an excellent knot for use with flat webbing material. Because of this, it's especially important to inspect the Mar 19, 2015 · The water knot is often used to tie tubular webbing into continuous loops. CMC demonstrates how to tie a Frost Knot. Families. Remove the rope with tongs or a fork. Pull the knot tight. Mountain climbers also use the water knot to tie a rope seat and to tie the ends of short lengths of rope together to form a grommet (loop) that’s used in many climbing applications. Perhaps the most basic webbing anchor. Climbers use various knots to tie in, but the Trace-Eight is the easiest to learn and the least likely to untie itself. You don't need to tie back up knots either, webbing doesn't slip like rope does, in fact I've never known webbing to slip at all, and I've set up a lot of It includes a large range of camping knots and essential utility knots. Water Knot Use a water knot (fig 3-03) to join the ends of webbing together. It is also related to a figure eight knot, which is better suited to materials that are not flat, such as cord. They serve essential functions such as tying different parts of the rigging together or fastening ropes to docks and other objects. This knot is used to join two ropes or two tape ends together. Aug 25, 2022 · What is the purpose of a water knot? The water knot is a simple knot used to tie two ends of webbing together. Finally, pass the rope back through the knot so that it runs parallel to the standing part of the May 2, 2023 · A hitch is a knot that connects a length of rope to another rope or attaches it to an object. The Water Bowline and the Double Bowline are the secure versions of the Bowline. In this video, each step is clearly shown in sequence to allow rope technicians to quickly add this technique to their skill set. Unfortunately, it cinches up tight after a hard fall, making it Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Rope Knots Essential Knots to Know Tips for Mastering Rope Knots Conclusion FAQ Introduction Imagine standing on the edge of a plateau, the vast landscape stretching before you. When complete, the working ends will exit the knot on opposite sides. The tail always should be Dec 19, 2024 · Bowline knot (bowline hitch): Tying a bowline knot creates a fixed loop at the end of a rope or string. Can slip if not dressed properly May 8, 2022 · The Water Knot is the best knots for connecting two straps or pieces of webbing together. Or, to find a knot for a specific purpose such as to make a loop or tie a rope to an object, go to the Rope Knot heading above and pick the category of knot you are looking for. When completed, a water knot ties 2 ends of webbing together. Webbing and clove hitches work well together if you don't want to make something as permanent as water knot. This Instructable will demonstrate how to tie a JUG knot which like its name suggests, is meant to properly secure around the neck of a container. When it comes to climbing, don’t underestimate the power of a well-tied knot. How To Tie A Water Knot. com - the world's #1 knot Aug 9, 2023 · Short answer nautical knots rope: Nautical knots refer to various types of knots used in boating and sailing activities. To create the water knot, pull on both ropes’ working and standing ends. The breaking strength is just an estimate. Feb 11, 2016 · The water knot is a good strong knot used for tying webbing tape/strapping together. Examination of knots reveals that their internal structure tends to repeat themselves in other knots. Mouse over the knot name below to see a description of that knot. 6. Over time (okay, over a long time), the tails can shrink and eventually get pulled through the knot. Next, overlap the two loops as a Clove Hitch and pass the tail end through the Clove Hitch and around the standing end of the rope. Similarly with the Slip Knot and Noose. Jan 18, 2014 · Tests show the water knot to reduce webbing strength around 30% (the CMC Rescue Field Guide App gives the water knot a 64% efficiency rating). 46,008 Water Knot photos for download. Jul 31, 2024 · A Backup Knot is usually tied after another knot to keep it from untieing. Pro Tip: To tighten the knot, first tighten up the loop that locks your Bowline in place. How to tie a Water Knot Take the end of one rope and form an Overhand Knot (take the working end over the standing part as shown). If you have any questions about knots, equipment, or education, please email the CMC Instructors at askaninstructor@cmcpro. com After watching this video, and following along with the steps, you will definitely be able to tie a water knot in a DIY manner with your own rope. Because of this, it's especially important to inspect the Example of how to tie a Water Knot w/webbing. the best type of knot to tie with webbing in this situation is called a water knot. CONTACT US 800-513-7455 The water knot (or tape knot) is a knot frequently used in climbing for joining two ends of tubular webbing together, for instance when making a sex sling. Check the knot before every use. The water knot can work itself loose over time, so check and retighten it often. This short demonstrates how to join 2 ropes simply, easily, quickly, securely & strongly using Water knot/Ring knot based on The Ashley Book of Knots, 1944, Water Knot. Keep the tail ends at least 10cm long and keep and eye on them. If you are looking for a light weight rope that floats, this is the rope for you. This knot is the most popular way to join tape to make sling, runner or quickdraw from tape. To get the right size every time I cut webbing lengths twice the length of the intended sling and add an additional 18 inches (46 cm) to accommodate for a water knot – this will leave you with approximately 4 inches of tail. com or visit the CMC School page for class Dec 24, 2024 · Tighten the knot. It’s tied by using the simple Overhand Knot in one end and then rethreading the other end in the opposite direction. Mouse over the knot name to see a description of its usage. Best Practice: Keep your rope clean using a rope bag and wash it after every 30-40 uses. This will set the knot (leaving closer to 3 inches of tail). Advantages Of The Water Knot. Overhand Loop 35% 65% . Water Knot [left], Figure-8 follow-through (aka Figure-8 Rewoven) [right] Which knot to use? Butterfly: this can take loads on both strands, so is used for clipping into the middle of a rope. Actually, a common way to join ropes for rappelling is the much more sketchy looking and accordingly named (but actually fairly safe) European Death Knot, without additional knots on the tails, because that would increase the risk of the rope getting stuck, which can be very dangerous as well. To tie a Water Bowline Knot, start by making sure there is enough rope to form the knot. Origin: Ashley described the Bottle Sling Knot as the Jug Sling or Jar Sling Knot (ABOK # 1142, p 208). Raft Bow and Stern Line Coils When coiling lines start near the affixed end to prevent the rope from becoming twisted (In another video Zach from the video below acknowledges that he would be better off coiling by starting at the end attached to the raft ). 9. You can also use a water knot to join multiple pieces of webbing together. Don't use a clove hitch for your grab line. Apr 26, 2022 · This is particularly true with water knots being used primarily with webbing and the figure 8 family of knots being used with rope. E. Confusion. The actual breaking strength of each rope may be higher or lower than the estimate. strength? Tie a real knot. Begin the water knot by tying a loose overhand knot in the end of one rope, then bring the end of the other rope over and under the first overhand knot, following the same path in reverse Tutorial video on typing a Water Knot or also known as a Tape Knot, Ring Bend, Grass Knot, and Overhand Follow-Through. Webbing is flat material, unlike rope which is round so the same knots are not going to work for webbing. Dress the knot leaving 3+ inch tails. It covers the different types of ropes used - life safety ropes, escape ropes, and utility ropes. Double fisherman's requires letting both ropes "reel in" a little after tying. Hitches are essential knots for climbers, arborists, sailors and anyone needing to tie a rope to something! Jun 15, 2020 · While it is a little more difficult to do, it can also be tied with rope. Part of the series: Basic Firefighting Knots. The Water Knot is a "rewoven" Overhand Knot meaning an overhand knot is tied at the end of one rope/webbing and then the second rope or webbing follows the turns of the first in parallel, but from the opposite direction. Double Fisherman’s Knot: A strong and secure knot for joining ropes, commonly used in climbing. However, he attributed it to others: “The Jug Sling is pictured by Roding in 1795. Bends, such as the figure eight bend and water knot, are used to join two ropes and webbing, respectively, together. Animated Knots Reference Feb 11, 2016 · The water knot is a good strong knot used for tying webbing tape/strapping together. . A cheaper option is to buy a spool or length of tubular webbing and tie your own using a water knot. From sure the knot is secure keep the second tape/rope one the same side of the first tape/rope as the knot is doubled. Make a loop in the standing end of the rope. ) A taut line hitch creates an adjustable knot that can be May 31, 2023 · Plaited rope is the third strongest, and twisted rope is the weakest. * Use caution and work well below the breaking strength of a rope. Water knots are often tied to climbing ropes when one end of the string needs to be secured to an object or another rope. Dress the knot by pulling on the tails and finish with safety knots on both sides. Aug 14, 2019 · This document discusses knots and rope usage in firefighting. In pioneering, whenever you’re using ropes made of man-made fibers that are braided and slick and don’t hold knots well, think of the water knot. BASIC RIGGING WITH A WATER KNOT. Image: Water Bowline Step by Step Water Bowline vs Double Bowline Knot. Start by tying a very loose overhand knot in one end of the webbing. (Many knots are combinations of hitches. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. Test Before Use: Always test knots under realistic conditions. Edit: just read your application. (It’s essentially two overhand knots. I can't do that, the lengths are fixed. There ya have it A loop around the d ring. This knot is useful if you need to moor a boat, haul something up, or tie two pieces of rope together. Dec 8, 2017 · The water knot is a simple knot used to tie two ends of webbing together. ) The trick is ensuring that the two rope ends are weaved together correctly. When used with tape, the knot is called a tape knot. It discusses rope construction methods like twisted, braided, and kernmantle. Sometimes called an Overhand Bend or ring bend, the Water Knot connects two ends of webbing together. The water knot (also known as a tape knot, ring bend, grass knot, or overhand follow-through) is often used when making horse halters. Note that the tails on a webbing water knot "creep" a tiny amount each time they are loaded and unloaded (somewhere around 4/100ths of an inch). It is the simplest of knots and requires only a single turn around the two ropes. Dec 28, 2024 · For casual projects, simpler knots like the Sheet Bend or Water Knot often suffice. The Water Knot - Tape Knot. @knotknut #knot #rope #knotsrope This is the proper way to tie flat webbing into a circular sling. Dec 19, 2022 · Using the overhand knot in Rope B as a guide, trace the course of Rope B using the working end of Rope B. It makes a secure loop in the end of a piece of rope. Hitches are knots used to tie a rope to an object or to another rope. animatedknots. Maintain a rope log to track usage and falls. A water knot is a quick and simple way to secure a rope's loose ends. Comparison: The Bowline and the Water Bowline are linked here for easy comparison. It is a strong and reliable knot that can withstand the tension and strain of fishing. Ascending a rope has traditionally been done with this. By AnimatedKnots. Strength/Reliability Oct 28, 2020 · Oftentimes people have trouble tying a double overhand knot, if you are having difficulty making this knot you can substitute it with the water knot. C. It would be women's work to make such rope elements in a handicraft way like Macramé. Demonstrate Tying A Water Knot RESCUE TRAINING References: and Rescue, 7th Edition, pages 128 – 132 Delmar Handbook 3rd edition, pages 481, 482 J&B Fundamentals 2nd edition, pages 251-254 5th edition, Delmar Rope Levels I and II 82 NFPA 1001, 2008 JPR 5. Knot Illustrations and Resources Ropes and Knots review Courtesy of Jones and Bartlett learning Ropes and Knots Refresher Courtesy of IFPA and IAFC Jun 7, 2012 · The Fisherman’s knot (aka Water knot) is used to tie two ropes of equal thickness together. It's a single rope going around. To tie, first form an overhand knot in one end and then follow it with the other end, feeding in the opposite direction. This is a common way to make a sling from one piece of webbing. How to tie a water knot AKA ring bend or overhand bend. Apr 19, 2013 · To tie two ropes together, climbers use the water knot because it’s a simple knot with little bulk and above all, it’s a knot that will not fail. The water knot can be used to join two ropes. Climbers most commonly use the Water Knot, also known as the Ring Bend, for tying webbing into loops. Their importance and Apr 6, 2023 · Your tie-in knot, the one that connects you to the end of the rope, is the knot to learn first, and is the only knot you’ll use every time you rope up. Easy to tie; Secure knot that can withstand large load if tied properly; Cons. The water knot should have no less than 4 inches of tail remaining once tied and pulled snug. Continue rinsing and wringing your rope until the water runs clear. To delve into how the Water Knot is used, we will start on "RIGGING". Never hoist an uncharged hoseline. Although there are literally thousands of different knots, the knots illustrated and animated here include the best knots from the four primary knot categories: Loops (make a loop in the rope), Bends (rope to rope knots), Hitches (rope to object knots) and Binding Knots. Take the end of a second rope (green) and, starting from the end of the first rope (red), follow the first rope into the Overhand Knot. Bends are used to tie two ropes together. Mar 6, 2024 · STEP 4. Practice Regularly: Familiarity with each knot increases efficiency and reliability. Quick Guide: How to Tie a Water Knot How to tie the Water Knot or Ring Bend. Love Knot aka water knot joining 2 ropes. Bends. Related knots:How t Feb 25, 2017 · Keep the knot loose and adjust as needed to for adequate tail length. (B) Take the end of a second rope (green) and, starting from the end of the first rope (red), The Water Knot is the go-to for joining two pieces of tubular webbing. Nov 3, 2017 · An overhand knot (fig 3-02) is a basic knot. Grab a roll of #18 or so and use that to make a common whipping over half the loop and around the bottle leaving the eight on the bottom and the loop on top. This is useful if you need to make a loop from a section webbing that ca Weave the tail end back through the overhand knot, just like you do in a water knot. Tie a loose overhand knot in the end of the strap. These and similar test results are referred to or copied directly in On Rope (Smith and Padgett), Confined Space and Structural Rope Rescue (Roop, Wright and Vines), and many other state and local fire training manuals. Nautical To tie two ropes together, climbers use the water knot because it’s a simple knot with little bulk and above all, it’s a knot that will not fail. Take around 18 inches or of #36 and make a bight. Not because it involves difficult steps. The wind is crisp against your face, a hint of adventure hangs in the air, and the rope in your hands is the lifeline that connects you to an exhilarating journey. Found in: Arborist, Bends, Climbing, Search & Rescue. The water knot is an easy and versatile knot with plenty of potential uses. Figure-8: the gold-standard for tying in to the end of a rope. Allow your rope to soak for about 15-30 minutes to absorb the dye. A very economical rope. RIGGING #1: SLING AROUND A TREE, LOG OR ROCK. Here is a selection of knots for joining ropes and also some knots where the rope is tied upon itself such as the Heaving Line Knot and the Sheep Shank. Never hoist a charged hoseline. To learn more, see our videos on How to Tie a CMC demonstrates how to tie a Water Knot. , Rope logs: A. Prusik Hitch. Imagine I'm trying to put a ribbon around a box - that's essentially what's going on. How to Tie the Water Knot: Step-by-Step Instructions Applications of the Water Knot Advantages and Disadvantages of the Water Knot Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Conclusion FAQ Introduction Imagine you're on a camping trip with friends, surrounded by nature's beauty, and suddenly realize you need to connect two lengths of webbing for Uses: The Water Bowline is described by Ashley as a Bowline with an extra half hitch (ABOK # 1012, p 186). Also pay attention when tying not to have twists in the sling. Bends are knots to tie two ropes together. It is used by fishermen to join fishing line and is very effective with small-diameter strings and twines. cmcpro. D. Rinse the rope, beginning with warm water and slowly transitioning to cold water. The overhand is also used as the first part of a water knot. Still THE ROPE THAT FLOATS. Damaged ends can be cut and removed, but remember that falls stress the entire rope, not just the ends. Nov 11, 2023 · Completely submerge the rope into the water. A water knot is a knot that is used to tie two ropes together and can also be used to connect one string to an object. Commonly, climbers use water knots to tie a single piece of webbing into a small loop for use as a sling. In this video we show you how to tie it. Trim off the tag ends accordingly to either create a straight profile when joining a mainline to hooklength, or cut the tag ends to create a paternoster link for legering purposes. Use Quality Ropes: Low-quality ropes may fail regardless of knot strength. How to tie: The knot itself is really simple; make an overhand knot in one end of webbing. Simple Water Knot Instructions: Step 1: Take a piece of rope and cross it over itself. Also, the water knot and double fisherman’s knot are really bends. Sep 11, 2023 · A water knot creates a fixed loop in a webbing, which you can use as an anchor or a sling. Use: Using a piece of cord, create friction around the ore or add more rope strands. Polypropylene rope has unique properties. I guess my description lacks a detail: I don't have any excess length to my rope. Avoid injury by working below the breaking strength. 2 To build a webbing anchor wrapped around a tree, post, boulder etc. All webbing knots must be dressed and tightened carefully as they tend to untie if you are careless with the The Square Knot (Reef Knot) and Sheet Bend are the two basic methods of joining two ropes; and the Figure 8 underlies many other important knots. Safety knots, such as the overhand knot, are used to secure the ends of rope to prevent them from coming untied. Then, go ahead and tighten the other loop. Water knots sometimes work themselves loose after being jostled around in your pack, or when unloaded. com/waterknotWater Knot - Learn how to tie the Water Knot in a simple step-by-step video. The water knot is used to tie the two ends of webbing together to create a sling. Some testing has shown that the water knot, in certain conditions, can slip very slightly but very consistently, with cyclic loading and unloading at relatively low forces; it is the tail on the exterior that slips (this would be the blue See more CMC Fundamentals at https://www. I use a water-knot (see my water-knot testing and cautions) for slings I plan to untie later, and a single or double-fisherman's for slings I don't plan to untie - like slings that I leave at an anchor. Avoid causing damage to the nozzle or couplings. Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Ch 8 - Ropes and Knots Quiz Practice, so you can be ready for test day. Also, try a clove hitch. Tie knot rope skills tying knots cara ikat simpul tali sederhana #knot #Bowline #clovehitch #ropeskills #knottying #tyingknot #simpultali #trending Find Water Knot stock images in HD and millions of royalty-free photos, illustrations, and vectors on Shutterstock. Knot efficiency – 64%. Make sure the knot is tight and the tails are at least 10cm long each time you use it. In this video, CMC shows how to Tie a JUG KNOT around a water bottle, soda bottle, or aluminum bottle to make a secure carrying strap. Munter Feb 16, 2023 · Use water knots to tie webbing together. The water knot is a follow-thru of a simple overhand knot that is easy to tie but can be difficult to impossible to untie, especially after it’s been loaded. Make sure there's plenty of tail. Jul 18, 2024 · A water knot, also known as the tape knot or ring bend, is a type of knot commonly used in rock climbing and water activities. Water knots are common, very useful, and they are bomber! Here are the basic Jun 19, 2011 · http://www. Feb 6, 2025 · Water knot . Can be used to make slings and grab handles. Remove the nozzle and hoist it separately. Figure 8 on a bight BowLine Clove Hitch Figure 8 follow thru Beckett Bend or Sheet Bend Water Knot Half Hitch (used in conjuction with other knots. Also known as: Grass Knot, Overhand Follow-Through, Ring Bend, Tape Knot. See full list on 101knots. In case the main knot unties, the backup knot will keep the end of the rope from slipping through it. Water Knot: Used to join two pieces of webbing, especially in climbing and rescue scenarios. Follow the steps below to tie a basic Fisherman’s knot. Re-purpose any container into a reusable water bottle by adding a convenient carrying strap. This reduction in strength is a result of the bends in the knot and associated stress-concentration points. Most often with webbing, we will use overland loop knots, often called water knots with webbing. Jan 2, 2025 · Knots Similar to the Hunter’s Bend Knot. I also think both knots are a bad choice for more than body-weight, for use as a moving knot during a A half-dozen knots tied properly are better than a dozen knots tied improperly. This knot is used to connect two piec Dress the knot leaving 3+ inch tails. You don't need to tie back up knots either, webbing doesn't slip like rope does, in fact I've never known webbing to slip at all, and I've set up a lot of slacklines using 1" tubular webbing. List of rescue knots (firefighter and high angle rescue, survival, search operations), how to tie best rope rescue knots - basic tying guides with diagrams To make rope elements, one to two meters long and ending in a knot that loosely fits the pipe is an alternative for rubber or plastic washers slid over the pump rope or knots made at intervals in the pump rope. The best knot to use when tying knots in webbing. 1. The Water Knot, also known as the Ring bend, is used to join two ropes of webbing strapping. PictureKnot NameCategoryAlpine ButterflyMid-Rope LoopAutoblockSlide & GripBachmann HitchSlide & GripBeer KnotBendBlake's HitchSlide & GripBowlineEnd LoopBowline on a BightMid-Rope LoopClove HitchHitchDistel HitchSlide & GripDouble Fisherman's BendBendDouble Overhand KnotStopperFigure 8 Double LoopMid-Rope LoopFigure Water Knot 36% 64% . It is primarily utilized to join two ropes together securely. Carrick Bend: Ideal for heavy loads, providing a secure connection without jamming. more. Rot proof Will not shrink Resistant to water Resistant to oil Resistant to gasoline Resistant to most chemicals Skills - Seven recommended knots. This knot is a little more difficult to tie that some of the ones we’ve covered recently. Thread the other strap in the reverse direction following the exact path of the first overhand knot. Firefighting Knots: Water Knot. Avoid stepping on your rope as dirt particles can abrade the core over time. 3. This is useful if you need to make a loop from a section webbing that ca Water Bowline Knot: Quick Tying Guide. should include information about incidents that result in impact loading. Leave long tails for safety! Blue Water Climbing Rope: https://amzn. These slings are often used to ascend ropes or to capture the progress of a load when tied into a friction hitch. com/videos/cmc-fundamentals/ Welcome to CMC Fundamentals: Learn Your Knots. Once tied, for additional security each end should be tied in a double overhand stopper knot around the other standing end. This knot is valued for its strength and reliability, making it a popular choice in situations where safety is crucial. Other knots (Flemish bend, flat overhand) might work but aren't recommended in the text. Knots, such as the figure eight or bowline, are organized methods of fastening rope to an object itself. Pass the other end back through the knot in the opposite direction, in the same way you follow the rope back through a Figure Eight when Thanks, but no, it won't. Tie a JUG KNOT around a water bottle, soda bottle, or aluminum bottle to make a secure carrying strap. These knots are specifically designed for securing ropes, lines, and sails on water vessels. Alternative: Tying an overhand knot in the same position in the rope as described above, making your loop as described above, and retracing the original overhand knot, will result in a water knot. Then bring the Oct 18, 2024 · 🌊💧 Master the art of tying a Water Knot in just 30 seconds! Whether you're an avid camper, a climber, or just someone who loves outdoor adventures, this qu The water knot should never be used to join: - Dyneema webbing - Any webbing of unequal width - Rope/cord to webbing In these cases, the knot is very weak and prone to slipping. In this video, I show you how to Sep 6, 2016 · The Water Knot is the go-to for joining two pieces of tubular webbing. It describes various rope materials like synthetic fibers, wire ropes, and natural fibers. S. Water knot: for typing a loop of webbing. The water knot can untie itself over time with repeated loading and unloading. Little, in 1889, pictures and labels it Jar Sling Knot, the two terms being interchangeable. Aug 17, 2021 · Variations On The Water Knot. Leave extra tails and inspect regularly; the tails can slip gradually through the knot and shorten over many cycles of loading and unloading. Take the other end of the webbing and trace it through the knot. Tie both ends with a figure eight. If creating a sling step into it and weight the knot before use. You can also use it for connecting two different ropes. It has other names as well, such as the Ring Bend, the Tape Knot, the Grass Knot, or the Overhand Follow Through Knot. Do not use this with cord. Snug up neatly and compact. Feb 12, 2015 · A water knot is the best knot for joining two ends of webbing, I wouldn't recommend any other knot except for maybe the beer knot, but that's certainly not going to save you any time. Usually, a Half Double Fisherman’s Knot (Double Overhand Stopper Knot) is used for this purpose, which we’ll show in the illustration below. Take one end and pull it Nov 9, 2012 · A loop in webbing (aka a "sling" or (British) "runner") is made by tying a Water Knot. B. Moisten the knot with saliva or water and slowly pull it tight. Pros . In this video, CMC shows how to tie a Water Knot. You can make the water knot even more secure by reinforcing the ends with a double overhand knot. The Water Knot is the go-to for joining two pieces of tubular webbing. should be completed by Oct 8, 2005 · P. to Apr 19, 2013 · VIEW VIDEO: How to Tie a Water Knot The following text is by Adolph E. Learn to 6 days ago · Water Knot. The terms Overhand Knot, Half Hitch, and Half Knot are often confused and frequently used as though they are interchangeable. How to tie a Water Knot (A) Take the end of one rope and form an Overhand Knot (take the working end over the stand-ing part as shown). The illustrations below show both tape and rope. Peschke as presented in the 1998 printing of the 1993 edition of the Pioneering Merit Badge Pamphlet: Water Knot What could be simpler than tying two Overhand knots to form a water knot? Its use goes back to commercial fisherman… The AMGA Single Pitch Instructor manual lists two recommended knots for joining webbing: the water knot and the double fisherman's knot. Rigging is preparing an anchor to accept the rappel rope. Then make another loop. Water knot before tightening. ” Uses: The Bottle Sling is widely recommended for Webbing – The Water Knot. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is a guideline for hoisting a hoseline? A. Choose a knot by name from the list. Tips for Perfecting Your Knot-Tying Skills. To avoid accidents, check your water knots every time you go out to make sure the tails are long enough (6 inches). N. scmi ntsmjvj clvg lue hbvfxu kfovpou mvs waqose svj ysrkso qjtca yrjnj xkdyt ehohdsk pxps